Boaz Welcome To The
Centennial Lodge 541 F&AM
Home Page

Joseph F. Osborn WM
In Service To "The Craft"

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm 

1.6 miles North of I70 at 5842 North St. Rd 59

Brazil, Indiana

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Installation of Officers: :Front Row left to right C.R. Boyd -Treas, Rob Gambill-SW, Joe Osborn-WM, 
Bernie Heck PM-AWG-JW, Howard Farrand PM-Secy, Charles Osborn PM-SS,  Back Row:  Mic Price-SD
Arnold Martin-PM-Installing Marshal. Bill Reece-PM-Installing Master, Mike Stultz-Installing Chaplain
Feb 24, 2009:  MM Degree:  Robert Troy Clark and Erric Sweitzer
May 28, 2009:  MM Degree:  Edward William Carter Beatty,  Raised by  Bartimaeus Lodge UD,  Arnold Martin WM
June 18 FC Degree :  WB John Shipman and Brother Ed Anderson receive Honorary Memberships to 541.
July 4th, WB Jack Thomas receives his Honorary Membership to Centennial 541
July 4th, 2009:   MM Degree:   Justin Allen Stephenson             Picture taken by Brother Ed Anderson
September 10th, 2009  Last Stated Meeting at Center Point 597 Building,   Brother Howard Farrand PM-Secy thanks WB Bill Harshbarger PM -Trustee-597 for the hospitality shown to Centennial 541 at the Center Point Lodge.
September 10th, 2009:   WB David Powers, our 2008 Indiana Masonic Home Representitive,  was visiting from North Carolina when WB Bill Reece presented the Charles O. Riddle award to WM Joe Osborn.  This award was earned by donations from our members and requirements fullfilled by WB Powers.                                                                   

Below:  WB Powers presented WM Osborn with a North Carolina Monitor.

September 10th, 2009,    Fellowship at Brazil 70 Truck Stop after Last Stated Meeting at Center Point Lodge  Building.
October 8th , 2009   The first meeting in our new Lodge building.   WB Robert Holler,  Grand Lecturer attended and presented an Honorary Membership on behalf of Centennial Lodge #541 to WB Bill Harshbarger of Center Point #597.  We held a lengthy business meeting with two petitions read and one voted on.   Several made remarks,  Then WM Osborn invited WB Bernard Heck PM-AWG-JW ,  The oldest living PM of 541 present,  to assume the East and close Lodge.   It was a wonderful and sometimes emotional evening.   The furniture and Letter "G" are from the old Lodge Building.   Several Brothers and their families worked on the Lodge to prepare for the first Stated Meeting.
Seated  L - R:   Mic Price-SD, Mike Osborn-PM, Robert Holler-PM, Grand Lecturer, Joe Osborn-WM,                  Bernie Heck-PM-AWG-JW, Ed Beatty-Chaplain, Howard Farrand-PM-Secy                                                           
Standing L - R:  Charles Boyd - Treasurer, Chris Cordray-#541, Bill Reece-PM541, Bill Harshbarger-PM597,         Mike Stultz - #541  ,  Troy Clark - SS,  Fred Nevils - #541, Jim Stout - PM-Asst Secy, Mike Heaton-JD,                  Erric Sweitzer - JS,  Dale Wilson - Trustee-Tyler, Jerry Fortune - #541,  Jack Thomas - PM597,  Sam Maesh - # 541,  and standing in top picture, Justin Stephenson - #541   Not Pictured - Brother Charles Hear - #541            
December 3rd , 2009.   The first degree work in the new building was completed with the Fellow Craft degree being conferred on Brother Crutchfield.   Front Row L - R:  Brothers Tim Poff, Robert House, Chris Cordray, Al Crutchfield, WM Joe Osborn, Bernard Heck PM-AWG, Bob Neville, PM, Harlan McGruder PM,  back row L- R:  T K Poff, Dale Wilson, Bill Reece PM, Idel Dalina (middle chamber) Bill Reich PM, Ed Beatty, Charles Hear and  Bill Simson.

Below L -R: Brothers  Idel Dalina, SD for 1st and 2nd Section,  Joe Osborn WM, Master for 1st section,  Ed Beatty, Chaplain,  Howard Farrand PM-Secy, Master 2nd Section and Brother Bill Reich PM,  SS,   Work Lecture with Brother Howard Farrand.







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