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![]() "MEMBERSHIP - Planting the Seed" |
the Seed Work with the Masons or Lodge Brothers. · contact Lodge secretary to get names and addresses · plan a bean and cornbread supper with dessert · send out post cards asking them to bring all family members and a friend · plan entertainment, such as Cloggers · This was a success: first attempt got 7 new members, second attempt got 9 new members, and third time got 6 or 7 petitions Community! · do something in the community to be seen · volunteer for your OES Chapter to take people to the doctor to have their tests done · volunteer for your OES Chapter to take people to the store Car Pool! · have car pooling to your meetings · invite those who don’t drive after dark to catch a ride with you · get two or more in a car so they will be more comfortable and can talk more before the meeting and get to know you more · this strategy alone will bring them back to Chapter Shop Together! · get a group of Stars together to go to the flea market · go out to dinner or lunch · have fellowship together · just take a ride in the country Have a Picnic with Members! · invite new members and their families · invite the Masonic families to your home at holidays and at other times · furnish the meat and have all bring a covered dish · play bingo, cards, volleyball, or just sit and talk · encourage everyone to bring someone who doesn’t have close family around · invite someone who has never had your deep-fried turkey · invite someone who will be alone on a holiday or birthday Christmas Party! · have a Christmas party for the family and friends, not just the members · invite a speaker or have a sing along · go as a group to sing Christmas carols for nursing homes · get the words to songs and pass them around to the residents so they can sing along · bring stuffed animals and pass them out to the people—that will bring a big smile to their faces and that’s what it’s all about Have an Easter Egg Hunt! · invite all members, Masons, families and friends if the church doesn’t have one · if church has one, work with them or invite them to join you Wear an emblem! · be proud of who we are · wear something with the OES emblem or Masonic emblem on it · I wear suspenders or a cap and this will prompt conversation from people who tell me their father or brother was a Mason · then I plant the seed…I ask them, “Are you a member?” If they say no I ask why not, or would you like to be a member? · put a float into your local parade for the Fourth of July Mother’s Day and Father’s Day · men should cook for the women on Mother’s Day · women should cook for the men and Masons on Father’s Day · send out cards to members that haven’t come in awhile · sometimes some will come back · make it interesting · invite all of your family—let everyone come · have a guest speaker or get a group from the church to sing Eating Before or After? · try having something to eat at 6:30 so the Moms and Dads who work can go home, do a few things, and come to Chapter. Plan to have the meeting quick so they can be home by 9:30 or 10:00 Honor Someone! · honor one or two Officers at a meeting but don’t let them know which one is being honored. That way each one will look forward to being there to be honored. · don’t forget the members that are not Officers, honor them too · after the meeting have your Organist put some songs together and have a sing along Involve Everyone! · at all functions invite all members · when your Chapter is doing something call everybody to help. A lot of times there is a select few that are called. This hurts a Chapter and the ones that are left out will quit coming. They will feel they’re not wanted. Let them say no—at least you tried. · don’t push new members into an office or insist on them buying clothes that match each other. Handle with kid gloves. · make a point to speak to them; make them feel welcome. Make them feel good that they came back · don’t put them on a committee right away. Let them get used to all the members. · the one that signed their petition should always keep in touch with that person. Please don’t let them fall by the wayside; keep nursing them. Let them know you’re glad they came and encourage them to come back Funerals · get involved as members when there is a funeral service · invite all members, not just the five or six doing the service · stick around after the service and talk to the family · let them know you care about that person you just did the service for · let them know they mean something to you too We were at a Lodge and Chapter in Northern California in a real small town. When the Masons have a meeting the women and men eat before the meeting. While the men were in their meeting, the women fellowshipped in the dining room. They had 78 members. 38 showed up plus 30 women. When someone moved to town they would all go to introduce themselves and see if they needed any help. Then they invited them to dinner. They had a van to haul people to different places. They went on day trips. There were two people who just moved into town who were at dinner that night. They said it was nice to get away from unpacking and to get to know the people of the town. Advertise and let the community know who you are and what you do. Have fun as a group. Get it in your local paper. THE MAIN THING IS CALL ALL YOUR MEMBERS